Monday, February 4, 2013


Squidoo is a website where you sign up and create things called lenses. Basically the lenses are webpages that you get to design and write about whatever you want. You get paid when someone clicks on an ad on your page. I will keep you up to date on whether I make any money (I am one of those people that never clicks on ads in articles, so I'm not sure who will click on them). Fingers crossed that I do, but even if I don't I like the website. Creating the lenses is fun and it can be about any topic you choose. It's good writing practice and Squidoo can feature them so they come up in web searches which could help get a wider audience. My first lens has exactly...wait for view which is rather depressing. Hopefully that number will increase or my next one will be about something more people care about.

My current goal is to create at least one lens a day and see how much money I have after a month. Ideally I will write about a variety of topics and with different writing styles and lens layouts, so I can find which one is most likely to make money.

Any helpful tips from people who have already tried Squidoo and made money would be greatly appreciated. Also for anyone who has tried Squidoo and made squat I would like to know what you wrote about and how you set your lenses up, so I can start off knowing what doesn't work.


  1. Replies
    1. I think you just go to Squidoo and search for "magdalana" which is my username there.
