Saturday, February 2, 2013


I started InfoBarrel today. It is a website that allows users to write articles and post them on the website. The idea is that other people read the articles and click on the links or ads. This allows the writer to generate money. You are allowed to write about a ton of different categories, so can basically pick your subject material. I don't have a Google Adsense account, but will be signing up for one after an article or two of mine have been approved. So far I have submitted on article and am working on another. They recommend that people write thousands of articles in order to generate the most income which sounds somewhat daunting, but over time I believe I could write that many. I will keep you updated on whether my articles get approved and how signing up for Google Adsense goes.

Edit: My first article was rejected because it sounded too much like a promotion for a product :(. I submitted another article and have no word back on that yet. I am done writing for tonight. I found with both articles I submitted I wrote a lot more than they required, and need to work on writing less or these will take forever with minimal payout.

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