Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Survey Hell

Today I planned on signing up for one survey site. I can't even remember which one I planned on starting with because I just got shuffled from one site to the next. I would click on something thinking I was completing my registration for one site and BAM be on a new site. I have a Physics exam tomorrow, so I will sort through what all I signed up for tomorrow.

I foresee a lot of spam emails in the next few days, so I'll have to keep on top of unsubscribing from them! I think I might also need to make a new email specifically for survey sites, so if I end up getting a monstrous amount of spam I can just dump the email without having to update everyone on my contacts list. Anyhow today was a failure as far as making money went, and now I need to go study so tomorrow my Physics test isn't a failure too!!

Oh one last thing. Does anyone know of any survey sites that WON'T send you in crazy circles?!

Monday, February 4, 2013


Squidoo is a website where you sign up and create things called lenses. Basically the lenses are webpages that you get to design and write about whatever you want. You get paid when someone clicks on an ad on your page. I will keep you up to date on whether I make any money (I am one of those people that never clicks on ads in articles, so I'm not sure who will click on them). Fingers crossed that I do, but even if I don't I like the website. Creating the lenses is fun and it can be about any topic you choose. It's good writing practice and Squidoo can feature them so they come up in web searches which could help get a wider audience. My first lens has exactly...wait for it...one view which is rather depressing. Hopefully that number will increase or my next one will be about something more people care about.

My current goal is to create at least one lens a day and see how much money I have after a month. Ideally I will write about a variety of topics and with different writing styles and lens layouts, so I can find which one is most likely to make money.

Any helpful tips from people who have already tried Squidoo and made money would be greatly appreciated. Also for anyone who has tried Squidoo and made squat I would like to know what you wrote about and how you set your lenses up, so I can start off knowing what doesn't work.

Spammy emails and phone calls

So I am not sure signing up to be a mystery shopper was a good idea. As I said before it seems like it takes a small investment to be able to make money at this, and at the time being I have no money to invest in eating out and shopping EVEN if I get paid for them in the long run. The company I signed up with has sent me about 50 emails with job offers since I signed up a week ago and called me 4 times in a row yesterday without leaving a message. When I checked my phone and saw 4 missed calls from the same number I thought someone I knew was having an emergency and calling me from a toll free number. Needless to say I was a little miffed when I realized this was just the mystery shopping company calling to offer me a gig at a store nearby. I may have to quit the mystery shopping before I even started simply because they are so spammy. I will be looking in to a way to stop the emails and phone calls until I have more free cash that I can invest in mystery shopping.


So yesterday I signed up for a program called kgbanswers. Basically people post questions on the site and the site pays people to answer these questions. You take a series of tests and in the end are informed someone will get back to you. It probably took around two hours to take all the tests. I did pass them all, but sadly today I got an email informing me that they are not in need of more people to answer questions. I think this was just their polite way of saying my areas of expertise are not needed by them. I wouldn't recommend this site just because the application process takes a long time and they are not in need of more people at this time. If you have a very specific skill set that very few people have you most likely will have a better chance of being able to work for them.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


No money making attempts today because I am watching the superbowl  I'll start back up tomorrow

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Notebook of Ideas

I decided to start a notebook to store all the ways to make money online that I haven't tried yet and to keep notes on the ones I am trying. Here's what it looks like so far!

For the next few weeks any ideas on how to make money online would be greatly appreciated. Let me know about places you've heard of that you haven't tried yet and would like a review of or have tried and loved!


I started InfoBarrel today. It is a website that allows users to write articles and post them on the website. The idea is that other people read the articles and click on the links or ads. This allows the writer to generate money. You are allowed to write about a ton of different categories, so can basically pick your subject material. I don't have a Google Adsense account, but will be signing up for one after an article or two of mine have been approved. So far I have submitted on article and am working on another. They recommend that people write thousands of articles in order to generate the most income which sounds somewhat daunting, but over time I believe I could write that many. I will keep you updated on whether my articles get approved and how signing up for Google Adsense goes.

Edit: My first article was rejected because it sounded too much like a promotion for a product :(. I submitted another article and have no word back on that yet. I am done writing for tonight. I found with both articles I submitted I wrote a lot more than they required, and need to work on writing less or these will take forever with minimal payout.

Mystery Shopping- Market Force

I signed up for Market Force, a mystery shopping site, a few days ago. Signing up was easy and they have a lot of opportunities to do mystery shops in my area. I signed up for one that I will do next weekend. It looks like there is a lot of paperwork involved and I don't own a scanner, so I'm not sure how well mystery shopping is going to work as a way to make extra money. I think we have scanners on campus, so I am going to look into using those. I will let you know how my first attempt at this goes next weekend.

It also seems like it takes a month or two before I will get paid anything. Since I have to spend my own money to do these shops I won't be doing many until after I get my first check/deposit into my Paypal account. I want to make sure this company pays in a reasonable amount of time and that they pay out for all shops I do. It would be terrible if I spent money to eat or shop somewhere and then didn't get paid or reimbursed for it!!! I will keep you updated on how my first shop experience goes.

Have you ever been a mystery shopper and how did the payment system work when you did it? 


Well hello and welcome to my blog. I am currently a college student and looking for ways to make money that work well with my schedule. I will be attempting various ideas I have thought up or found on other sites and reviewing how well they work. Ideally I will find a way to make money in ways that have flexible scheduling and pay as well as having a traditional job would. There aren't many part-time jobs in my area that fit into my class schedule and pay decently.